Project HEAL’s vision is to create a world where everyone with an eating disorder has the opportunities & resources they need to heal.

Our programs break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers that millions of people in the U.S. face when trying to heal from their eating disorder. Project HEAL offers support to any person residing in the US seeking treatment regardless of insurance status and citizenship status. We believe that healing is possible for every person, and we especially encourage folks with marginalized and underrepresented identities to reach out for support. Visit our website here to learn more.

Please note that all submissions are HIPAA compliant

To apply for the Treatment Placement, Insurance Navigation, and/or Cash Assistance Program, please complete the application in full. 

Applicants may take as much time as needed to complete the application - the application will automatically save your progress, and you may return to complete the rest of the application at any time. Applications are reviewed monthly during the first half of the month, and applicants are notified of services available to them during the second half of the month.

If you are a provider submitting an application with or on behalf of a client, please thoroughly review this document before completing an application.


Submittable is a HIPAA compliant platform. 

Project HEAL